Hello my lovers! I'm just going to get right into the main point of this post, which is Teens For Jeans! Teens For Jeans is a charity that collects and donates pairs of jeans to homeless teens in need. Some of you know that I work at Aeropostale which is how I found out about this charity. Aero partners up with DoSomething.org every year to try and collect more jeans than the previous year. Over the past five years, we've collected millions of jeans. Here's a little something I bet you didn't know, 1.7 million teens are homeless. To me, just the satisfaction and feeling you get from helping other teens is rewarding enough. However, as an added bonus every pair of jeans you bring to your local Aeropostale gets you 25% your next pair. It doesn't matter what size, brand, color, style, year, shape, whatever! As long as they are still wearable! For the readers who attend the same high school as me, I'm setting up a collection drive at the high school this coming week. So start going through your old clothes now! We have until February 10th to collect as many as possible! Let's get together and help a fellow teen in need. Just remember: It could be you.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Hello ladies and gentlemen! It's been a few days since I've posted because I haven't been to school. I haven't really had any occasions to dress for so I've been in super comfy (but still trendy) clothes all day long. However, yesterday I had the first day of my internship! I was interning at a small boutique called Posh. It was a fairly slow day because it was so cold outside. I had the pleasure of dressing the mannequins and doing the window displays. So here's my outfit and my window displays! Details: Mossimo trench, Mossimo beanie, Forever21 pants and Call It Spring bag!
Edit: I realize my pictures are all different sizes; trying to fix it asap!
Edit: I realize my pictures are all different sizes; trying to fix it asap!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Yesterday's Outfit!
I know, I know, it's late. I stayed at Boces all day yesterday, working on my prom dress so I was super tired when I got home. I also took the night off and went to Barnes and Nobles with my dad. I love to just dream over books about Central Park and Paris. There's also a book that caught my eye that I just about died over! It's called "F*** Yeah Meanswear" OMG. I was crying laughing over it! Now onto my outfit! I was super tired and feeling lazy. I also knew I'd be staying in my Fashion Design class all day instead of going back to my high school. Given these reason, I decided to be comfy! I raided my Mom's closet and got my hands on her favorite sweater. One she's had since the 80's! It reminds me of a Monet painting; so light and fresh. Almost like watercolors. I paired in a typical "me" style, with my American Apparel scarf, Under Amour leggings and Chinese Laundry boots!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
My Top Fashion Apps!
Hey guys, I felt like it'd be pretty cool to share with you what my favorite or most recommended fashion apps are. The two I probably love the most are the two I was most hesitant to try. My top two are without a doubt Pose and Polyvore. I just recently downloaded Polyvore but I'm absolutely in love with it. The app lets tou create sets or collections. Like all those collages you see on Pinterest? Probs came from Polyvore. You can also buy the things in that set right there on the same site. On Pose, you can upload your outfits and label the brands. I love it! You can follow me as thegirlfromnewyork on Polyvore. On Pose, it's just CaitlynRiegal. My other favs are the Fashion Police app, duh. I need my daily dose of Joan Rivers. (Joan Rangers, UNITE) Also, I love Fashion Network for my fill of shows. Another is um duh, the Forever21 app. Obviously I have the app, I practically live at that store.
Hello, lover! *Carrie Bradshaw voice* I was a little out of it today but I still managed to look acceptable. As you can see, I'm still on my black and white winter binge. I've been sick so I'm rocking that second day hair with a bandana. I wanted a little pop of color so I threw on my trusty peacoat. I've had this baby for almost four years now. Surprisingly, it's from Forever21, whose garments are very cheaply made. This coat has lasted me years and I get compliments every time I pull it out. It was a steal at $27, too. Just goes to show you, if you take care of your clothes, they'll last you. Details: Dollar store bandana, Forever21 Coat, American Apparel scarf, Forever21 sweater, Under Amour leggings, Chinese Laundry boots!
Stay tuned for a post about my favorite fashion apps!
Stay tuned for a post about my favorite fashion apps!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, I can't title this OOTD because, well, it's my Outfit Of Yesterday! I was feeling a little retro so I wore my new turtleneck tucked into my skinnies. Threw on some statement pieces and walked out the door! Hair and makeup was only a tad bit different from my everyday look. The only difference from my everyday cat eye was that I exaggerated my lower lashes with two coats of mascara for a Twiggy-like look. You can't really see the details because I don't have the best camera, but my turtleneck is metallic, taupe with flecks of gold. Hope everyone had a lovely Monday and Tuesday! Details: Forever21 jewelry, Forever21 turtleneck, Forever21 skinnies, Zigi Soho loafers!
PS- 1. Follow me on Polyvore! thegirlfromnewyork, of course! 2. You should know, I despise bathroom mirror pictures. I was desperate though.
PS- 1. Follow me on Polyvore! thegirlfromnewyork, of course! 2. You should know, I despise bathroom mirror pictures. I was desperate though.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Good vs. Evil
Good afternoon my lovely readers. So today I felt like turning the spotlight to another classmate of mine. Well two to be exact. The first is Brooke, the "Good" part of this post. Today Brooke had a super laid back outfit with a statement piece that I just loved. There's a hint of carelessness with the white tee but also a hint of no-I-really-actually-do-care with the blazer and necklace. The necklace is what first caught my eye then I really saw the rest and loved it!
Now... The Evil in this post. During dismissal today I decided to whip out my iPod and act as if I were listening to music. But alas, I was not. I was risking my iPod's camera by secretly taking pictures of the horrific things that lurk in my high school. Case in point, below. What is happening to the world. I quoth my dear friend, Ben, when I say "what has happened to this school?" I understand. The poor girl in the picture, I have no clue who you are besides worst dressed. I for one, love scarf print. However I am assuming this top and possibly the skirt as well was bought at Charlotte Russe. How do I know, you ask? Because my darlings, Charlotte Russe just has this knack of taking every possible trend and really sluttin' it up. Personally, I hate cut out shoulders. I believe you have to be very careful with what you pair the cheetah print scarf print with. Ugh, and then there's a Vera Bradley backpack that just absofreakinglutely clashes with the shirt, that just throws the whole thing out the window. Look out for more posts guys! I just know I'll be blogging about more fashion mis-haps this week..
Now... The Evil in this post. During dismissal today I decided to whip out my iPod and act as if I were listening to music. But alas, I was not. I was risking my iPod's camera by secretly taking pictures of the horrific things that lurk in my high school. Case in point, below. What is happening to the world. I quoth my dear friend, Ben, when I say "what has happened to this school?" I understand. The poor girl in the picture, I have no clue who you are besides worst dressed. I for one, love scarf print. However I am assuming this top and possibly the skirt as well was bought at Charlotte Russe. How do I know, you ask? Because my darlings, Charlotte Russe just has this knack of taking every possible trend and really sluttin' it up. Personally, I hate cut out shoulders. I believe you have to be very careful with what you pair the cheetah print scarf print with. Ugh, and then there's a Vera Bradley backpack that just absofreakinglutely clashes with the shirt, that just throws the whole thing out the window. Look out for more posts guys! I just know I'll be blogging about more fashion mis-haps this week..
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Hello loves. So this morning I had a cute outfit planned, then I realized this is Upstate New York. Like, freezing yet sunny Upstate New York. So I had to change super quick in like ten minutes. This is the result! Details: Old Navy trench, American Eagle scarf, Aeropostale button up, Forever21 skinnies, Zigi Soho loafers! Have a lovely evening everyone!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
My outfit > Your life
I'll start off by saying I have fallen deeply, deeply in love with these pants. The entire outfit is whole other story. I looooove the trendy look of them, they're just perfect. The crisp, clean look is just so refreshing. I gave it a little retro edge with my blouse that had a crochet Peter Pan collar. I then finished it off with my studded loafers for another edge. And the result? PERFECTION! And let me tell you how GORGEOUS the entire ensemble looked with my black trench over it, unbuttoned. I just felt so femme. I was in love, my dears, I was in love. With my clothes, of course. Details: Forever21 blouse, Forever21 pants, Zigi Soho loafers.
Prom Gown!
Hey guys! I just wanted to write a quick post while still at boces. I started the patterns for my prom dress today.. Oh my lord. This is gonna be a big one.. I am going to be soooo busy with this pattern. The dress is greatly inspired by the red Givenchy gown Emma Stone wore to The Academy Awards last year.

I think the gown is absolutely gorgeous. I'm using a darker color, Oxblood to be exact. I've also designed it and "re-invented it" you could say to be a more age-appropriate prom gown. I'm extremely excited! However I will not release any of my sketches until I have the garment fully completed. So stay tuned, my loves!
I think the gown is absolutely gorgeous. I'm using a darker color, Oxblood to be exact. I've also designed it and "re-invented it" you could say to be a more age-appropriate prom gown. I'm extremely excited! However I will not release any of my sketches until I have the garment fully completed. So stay tuned, my loves!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Helloooo lovers! So my outfit today was fairly simple, I don't want to wear my new clothes until next week. I was super lazy and being the first day back from a two week vacation, I didn't put much effort into my outfit. Details: Forever21 beanie, Forever21 sweater, Mossimo jacket, Under Armour leggings and Chinese Laundry boots!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
RANTING... >:(
Hello my darlings! So I'm still working on that post about my trip to Forever21, but I figured I could give you guys a good ranting post. Seeing as how I went to Walmart today...on a Sunday.. I felt I'd have much to rant about. So! #1: If you can't see your feet, you shouldn't be wearing leggings or for that matter anything tight fitting. #2 If your hips have been compared to Kim K's, you shouldn't be wearing tight bottoms, balance them out with a flare or boot cut jean. Promise you'll look better. #3, please, dear Jesus, DO NOT LET YOUR UNDIES SHOW. OR YOUR BUTT CRACK. Dis. Gust. Ing. #4 Heels and Walmart don't quite mix, especially paired with cropped leggings. That style legging should go burn in a hole. #5 If I see you with a "Chanel" bag in Walmart, I'll probably laugh and not even attempt to hide it. *Side note; To everyone who insists on their "designer" bags being real but then go on to tell how you paid less than $1,000 dollars for it, you are stupid. If it wasn't bought in a boutique, chances are it is fake sweetheart. Especially if you can't afford a shower, how the heck am I supposed to believe you can afford a designer bag?! Back to Walmart though. #6, Use your freaking manners. #7, leave your screaming child with a care taker or leave. #8, Don't leave your disgusting garbage from McDonald's on a shelf. I just, I can't even.. I just have to go work on the other blog. I am getting too heated about Walmart. I will leave you with this one thing, LOOK IN THE MIRROR BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE. >:( Please!
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