Okay so, starting off with the fact that normally I hate selfies unless they're mine and the very word itself, the title was meant to be read with slight sarcasm. Or just humor. Whatever works. Little life update for the few people that still keep up with this blog, I've been working at the local Macy's for a little over two months now, I'm going back to school in a little over three months (wait what), gotten back into sewing/sketching/drafting again and I also currently have strep throat. In other words, I have things to write about and time to do so since my parents and employers have quarantined me for the time being.
As some of you know or probably just read and found out, I work at Macy's. Dress code is mainly all black. For yours truly, that was no problem. If anything, it was another excuse to buy more black clothes. And yes, there are different colors of black so I can be heard asking "does this black match this black?" Working for a little over two months has challenged me to wear my black differently and over time I've come up with more than a few favs.
Without further ado, feast your eyes upon my low quality work selfies!
All black, All day, Every day.
For my fellow petites out there, Target has some good cropped dress pants. I got two pairs and honestly wear them other than for work. Love them. Mary-Kate Olsen may or may not have influenced some of these outfits. Last month my best friend FINALLY came back from college and we went to Salvation Army. I plucked a fitted, double-breasted black blazer that can be seen in the bottom right hand corner. It's kind of my child at the moment. Four dollars. Fits perfectly. I just wanna take a moment to thank God for all the times I've fallen in love with something at the thrift shop and had it fit perfectly.
Pointing out again that I have strep, I am in a large amount of pain and am now going to attempt the complicated process of sleeping. Check out my Tumblr, House Of Riegal. It's basically my infinite inspiration board.
PS... I'm visiting FIT this weekend :D
xx Caitlyn
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