Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Look Back

Hello everyone!

I haven't posted an outfit in a while so I figured I'd do you proud and post two today. I've been working to re-launch The Girl From New York and give it a fresher look because I've grown a lot in the past year. I'm also adjusting to a new schedule as it is the Spring Quarter here at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Anyway, last week was the first true and I mean true week of spring. It. Was. Marvelous. Beautiful! So naturally, Erika and I decided to go for a walk around downtown and show off some fab outfits. 

The first outfit wasn't really inspired by anything, I just wore it! I'm in love with my thrifted/DIY boyfriend jeans. I've had the black sheer blouse for at least two seasons now and I'm really trying to reinvent my closet this Spring. My mom always throws a fit whenever I wear these jeans because she thinks they look just awful. However, the key is to mix feminine with masculine and wear the jeans with strappy heels or a chic pair of wedges. Carry a lady-like handbag and bam, you've a chic ensemble that'll catch everyone's eye. 

This second outfit was during a day out with my photo-major friends. (I have an unusual amount of friends who are photography majors..) They planned on going around Pittsburgh, exploring abandoned buildings, which is right up my alley. I had nothing to do because Erika was busy so I asked if I could tag along. I was feeling a 90's vibe that day, if you couldn't tell.. Anyway, this is a shot by my friend, Emily. I was sitting on the steps of an old church. One of those hey-take-a-picture-of-me-this-might-be-a-cool-shot shots. We both actually ended up loving it. Side note: If you guys spent time with me, you'd find out that I think in hashtags. Sarcastically, of course. All I can think when I see this photo is #modelstatus. Back to the outfit, I'm in love with my new Chelsea boots, I've been dying for a pair since they started trending a year or so ago. The trend finally trickled down to my level and I was able to score a pair that wasn't over $100! Hell, they weren't over $20... The rest of the outfit was just kinda thrown together to be honest. I wasn't sure how the weather would be, as we walked everywhere that day. It turned out to be warm....very...warm... But it worked. I had a bottle of Diet Coke and an outfit on another level. In other words, I was good. 

Keep checking in, it's going to be an exciting quarter. 

xx Caitlyn

1 comment:

  1. I discovered your blog today, and from Spain I say it`s great!
