Monday, November 19, 2012

Please... No..

Okay I'd just like to say I understand fashion faux pas happen everywhere at every high school. However, I fear my school is the worst culprit. Girls thinking nylons are legitimate leggings, girls who SHOULD be wearing nylons, shoes that should've never been made (and are probably fake) let alone shoes that should've never been bought.. Girls on yoga pant overload, guys whose mothers still dress them. Speaking of yoga pants, camels do not attend my school. Why am I seeing their toes. Why. And another thing, you think you're being smart by wearing a thong under those leggings or.. Jeggings *shudder* but the reality is YOU CAN STILL SEE IT. Ugh. Am I honestly the only one who inspects every angle of my outfit!? I so desperately wish my classmates knew they could come to me about their fashion dilemmas. I am not trying to say I'm perfect and compared to the gorgeous and glamorous moi, everyone else is merely the dirt beneath my six inch wedges.. I do apologize if that's how I come off. (*Side note; I act extremely self obsessed when having a good day or really just any given moment. I really am probably the most self conscious person you'll ever meet, I just hide it well. Please excuse this, it's all in good fun and meant to make you laugh.) but in all seriousness, my high school is like Christina Aguilara when it comes to fashion. Sometimes it comes really close to hitting a trend on the head but there's just that one tiiiiiny (or huge) detail that just throws it into the garbage. Alright writing this post while slightly angry, very hungry and motion sick while on the smelly bus is not a good idea. It's a long post anyway. Thank you for letting me complain. Tell me about some of the outfits you've seen that made you want to vomit!

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