Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Crunchy Leaves

What's up my babes?! I've been trying to collect myself and my thoughts since Pittsburgh Fashion Week ended, I just had to kind of rebalance myself.. If that makes sense. It's a new quarter here at the Art Institute and I'm in a love/hate relationship with my classes. Intermediate Construction, Fashion Drawing and Fundamentals of Business of my favorite classes then there's Math and then........ ugh Intro to Design Applications. Makes me want to puke. I suck at computer programs, especially anything that has the word Adobe in front of it. I don't really like how everything is online or digital these days, I feel like we really learned things and remembered them when we had to physically write them down. Now freaking Adobe Illustrator. I just.. I can't... I'm very stupid when it comes to these things. Anyway, a new season is here but this Pittsburgh Fall is nothing compared to the Upstate New York Autumn I'm used to. Yes, Fall and Autumn are two different things. Upstate has these beautiful, colorful trees for miles and the air itself is as crisp as the leaves. The smell of the leaves and cool air is the perfect combination and I cannot wait to get back to it. Fall, on the other hand, it has the crunchy leaves, but not many. It doesn't quite have the trees (duh, I know, It's because I live in downtown Pitt) or the colors or sometimes even that crisp air that I crave so much. I just can't wait to be home and cuddle with my mom and doggy. I can't wait to go to Barnes and Nobles with my dad and curl up with good books in comfy chairs. I want to be home, again. I'm not sad about it, I'm just really excited because I know when I'm going home next! I don't think I've ever truly been homesick since I've been at college, I've just come to appreciate where I come from. I think everyone has that happen.

My outfit today is my black chiffon maxi skirt from Forever21, a loose, caramel shirt from Forever21, some rings, one vintage, one Forever21, a necklace my mom made forever ago and last but not least, my studded, pointed toe loafers..... from Forever21.... I didn't mean to make this a F21 outfit, I swear! I also went with wavy hair and light makeup because I felt like it. Blah. I gotta run to class now, I'll blog you later.

xx Caitlyn

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