Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Minute Thoughts & Thanks

Hey guys, I just want to take some time to reflect on 2013. It's been one hell of a year for me, the most successful and exciting year of my life. I just want to say thanks. As I look back on the year, I'm amazed. Truly amazed. Almost speechless. I couldn't have ever imagined having a year like this. I had a fantastic Senior Prom, my Senior Fashion Show, graduated twice, then scooted off to college merely a week after graduating, met some great people in Pittsburgh, presented in Pittsburgh Fashion Week, had my designs recognized and praised, became an established and recognized designer and even dabbled in modeling. All while I was 17, all mostly by myself. Please I'm begging you, look at this and realize that you can do anything you put your mind, body and soul to. I never would've thought I, little Caitlyn Riegal, could do these things. I feel I've grown so much this year, as a person as well as designer. I know what I want out of life and dammit I am I going to get it. (Although I'm starting to accept that I might not get Harry Styles, love you baby.) I'm not just simply saying that I want my fashion house empire known around the world, it WILL be known. Everywhere. In every language. Watch. Stick with me babes and you'll witness the birth of a new phenomenon. Me. WITH COCO CHANEL AS MY WITNESS, I WILL CONQUER THIS WORLD KNOWN AS FASHION. Oh and earth. I'll probs conquer earth too, to be honest. Just a heads up.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Au Revoir, 2013!

Hello, lover! 
 I've been MIA lately, I'm quite aware,so I decided to squeak out one last post before the 31st. 
 As we say Adieu to this past year, I'd like to let you all know what my  favorite things are at the moment...
Scent? Gucci. Designer? Jason Wu. Nail Color? Wine. Hair? The messy-center-part-nape-of-the-neck-ponytail. Shoe? Low, stacked heel bootie. Trend? Hello, structured croptops! Accessory? Hats on hats on hats. Favorite news? A tie between Alexander Wang going after the knock-offs (which can be found at the bottom of this post) and uhm, RACHEL ZOE'S NEW BABY BOY, KAIUS!! 

Little disappointed I didn't get into an accident, die, then be reborn as Rachel's baby. But oh well, some dreams just don't come true. No, I'm not crying. Okay, maybe. Yes, yes, I am. 

Moving on! Just a reminder, although I'm not quite as active as I used to be on this blog, but keep up with me other ways! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@caitlyn_riegal) and Pinterest (Caitlyn Riegal). 

Now, I'll be posting again within the next couple of days so keep an eye out. This next year will be an exciting one. All I can say for now is that you'll see big things happening.....

xx Caitlyn


Thursday, November 14, 2013

No Longer MIA!

Hey Babies! 

I'm aware that I've been completely MIA lately but I'm a busy little bee so hush hush. However, since I'm such a doll, I'll fill you little sweeties in on why I haven't been blogging: 

One- College. 
Two- College.
Three- College.
Four- Draftin' them patterns all day all night man
Six- My internet is horrific at the dorms 
Seven- It's difficult being this fab all the time

So that's why I've been so distant. Miss me too much? Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for your daily dose of self-absorption aka moi hehe. 

So last week I was asked to model for a fellow fashionista, Madison, for CollegeFashionista.com. However, the photos didn't come out too well (lightening was wrong) so we had to redo the photos. Madison sent me the pictures though so I figured the least I could do would be to share them with you. 
One of my favorite outfits lately, so chic yet comfy.
Slip on some 5 1/2" platform booties, pile on the jewelry and you're fab.

So this shot really shows me as a person..
I'm almost always holding my phone with totally fabulous rings on and topped off with an adorable felt hat. Hair so effortless I literally rolled out of bed and threw a hat on!

I'll have more shoots up soon, don't you worry babes. Stay tuned for more fabulousness and for updates on my next show! Until then..
xx Caitlyn

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tres Chic..

Salut mon petit chous!
I was in a tres Francais mood yesterday so I'm pretty half this post will be written in French. Probably horrific, grammatically incorrect, informal/formal French, to be exact but hey I'm trying.
I wore my new "Tres Chic" sweater from Forever21 with my Aero skinnies and smoking slippers. I went out to Starbucks with my friend Taylor yesterday to treat ourselves to some mochas. I've been taking good care of myself with my diet and exercise regimen and I've also been rocking my classes lately, so I figured I deserved some Starbs. I got my new fav, a salted caramel mocha frapp. Mmmmm, it's so good! I shouldn't have gotten the frappicino though, I was already cold! After Starbs, I ran to CVS to pick up my prescription and a new lip stick (shh, don't tell mom!) I had to! I'm loving the dark, 'vampy' shades that everyone's talking about and I felt like my dark lip just wasn't dark enough anymore. So I picked up Revlon's Super Lustrous Lipstick in Black Cherry (477). To me, I think Revlon is the best drugstore lipstick. My classic red lipstick is also from Revlon and it's never failed me. Kayla (roomie) and I made a trip to Southside yesterday for groceries and it got quite chilly so I threw on my (faux) leather jacket.

Don't forget those sunnies hehe :)

Today I'm just taking it easy and working on homework. I'm just wearing my circle scarf, flannel and leggings. I think I've finally found my balance with everything, I feel very centered lately. I'm happy, too. 
I hope you're all happy, too.

Have a beautiful day.
xx Caitlyn

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Crunchy Leaves

What's up my babes?! I've been trying to collect myself and my thoughts since Pittsburgh Fashion Week ended, I just had to kind of rebalance myself.. If that makes sense. It's a new quarter here at the Art Institute and I'm in a love/hate relationship with my classes. Intermediate Construction, Fashion Drawing and Fundamentals of Business of my favorite classes then there's Math and then........ ugh Intro to Design Applications. Makes me want to puke. I suck at computer programs, especially anything that has the word Adobe in front of it. I don't really like how everything is online or digital these days, I feel like we really learned things and remembered them when we had to physically write them down. Now freaking Adobe Illustrator. I just.. I can't... I'm very stupid when it comes to these things. Anyway, a new season is here but this Pittsburgh Fall is nothing compared to the Upstate New York Autumn I'm used to. Yes, Fall and Autumn are two different things. Upstate has these beautiful, colorful trees for miles and the air itself is as crisp as the leaves. The smell of the leaves and cool air is the perfect combination and I cannot wait to get back to it. Fall, on the other hand, it has the crunchy leaves, but not many. It doesn't quite have the trees (duh, I know, It's because I live in downtown Pitt) or the colors or sometimes even that crisp air that I crave so much. I just can't wait to be home and cuddle with my mom and doggy. I can't wait to go to Barnes and Nobles with my dad and curl up with good books in comfy chairs. I want to be home, again. I'm not sad about it, I'm just really excited because I know when I'm going home next! I don't think I've ever truly been homesick since I've been at college, I've just come to appreciate where I come from. I think everyone has that happen.

My outfit today is my black chiffon maxi skirt from Forever21, a loose, caramel shirt from Forever21, some rings, one vintage, one Forever21, a necklace my mom made forever ago and last but not least, my studded, pointed toe loafers..... from Forever21.... I didn't mean to make this a F21 outfit, I swear! I also went with wavy hair and light makeup because I felt like it. Blah. I gotta run to class now, I'll blog you later.

xx Caitlyn

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall Footwear

Loafers and smoking slippers are here for Fall, pick your fav pair and start stepping on
those crunchy leaves!

Fall Footwear

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Runway To Real Way!

Beauty blogger Caitlyn, what?! Yep, that's right babes, here's a little beauty post about taking the hair and makeup look from my fashion show and taking it out to the real world. The hair I wanted for my collection was a simple yet striking low-pony, tied at the nape of the neck with a strand of hair tied around the hairband. The hair was sprayed with Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturing Sea Salt Spray then kind of thrown around and messed with to create a nice, thick texture. I then back combed it a little with my fingers, sprayed it again, then loosely pulled the hair back, over the ears, tying it back into a loose ponytail. I finished it off by pulling some of the hair at the back of the head back out of the pony tail so it had a little volume, pulled a few pieces out here and there then sprayed the hell out of it with Tres Emme hair spray. For the face, I wanted a fairly clean, bright complexion. I had the makeup team do some contouring but other than that that was all for the actually face. The eyes, on the other hand, I wanted insanely dramatic. So I asked for  huge, huge, lashes and a long, thick cat-eye. Nothing on the bottom lash, though. Aside from the lashes, I wanted a really bold brow the frame everything and finish off the look. Overall, I envisioned a very innocent, feminine look, where all the attention went to the eyes. The collection itself was meant to bring suiting fabrics and furs into my generation of consumers so I wanted to pair the looks with a bright, young adolescence represented in the face. So here's how I had my girls wear the look....

And here's how I wore the look today...


Hope you enjoyed my brief beauty blogger career!

xx Caitlyn

Pittsburgh Fashion Week Student Show!

Hellooooo my babies! I feel like I have so much to say about Saturday night (the Back-To-Back Student Show), but at the same time, I almost have less and less to say about it. Anyway, I'll try my best to give a good summary of everything! My collection was chosen to open the entire show and I was insanely nervous! Standing behind the step and repeat, putting last minute touches on my girls, sending them out one by one, having the perfect timing for every look, it was.... It was just inexplicable. This amazing, mind-blowing, nerve-wracking, blood pumping, body shaking, brain numbing, high on life, euphoria, fear, excitement, pride, satisfaction, anxiety, just fan-f*cking-tastic feeling. Indescribable. I was so excited to really have a show where I was a feature and not just a part. There were tons of photographers and reporters there, too. I rounded up some of my favorite pictures from the show, this what I have so far, I'll be adding more by the end of the week. My personal photographer, Emily, will have all of my pictures to me by Friday so stay tuned!

xx Caitlyn

And P.S. I could not have done any of this without the help of my assistant and best friend, Colin. He has helped me through this entire process, handling things when I could not, keeping me sane and giving me a reality check when I had my occasional bitch-fits. I cannot thank you enough. Love you, bebe.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Macy's Fashion Show! (Pittsburgh Fashion Week)

Wednesday night, I had the Macy's Fall Fashions show which was held in the Macy's in downtown Pittsburgh. There were several segments featuring looks from Macy's lines then they featured looks by all of the student designers presenting in Saturday's show. My look was written about in a few blogs (hehe!) and here are some pictures from the show! They had each of the designers walk up with their looks and answer one or two questions. I was shaking and so nervous but I lived! I have very little time to blog this week but I wanted to share the pictures with all of you. Stay tuned for Saturday's Back to Back Student Show which I will be presenting in!!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, @caitlyn_riegal, for the latest updates and behind the scenes pictures!

xx Caitlyn

Monday, September 23, 2013

Pittsburgh Fashion Week Day 1!

Hello my darlings! So the first day of Pittsburgh Fashion Week has officially come to an end and Colin and I are POOPED. We woke up at finally left the dorms around 1:00 and took a lovely stroll to get us some Starbs. After stumbling over my order about three times (I really needed that coffee), we wandered down to Macy's to see if the window displays were up yet. As a student designer presenting in Pittsburgh Fashion Week, one of my looks was picked to be put on display in a window of the Macy's in downtown Pittsburgh! After walking around the entire store, we finally came to the correct side of the store and yes! The displays were set up!! I did fan girl a bit but then I got all no-they-styled-my-pieces-wrong-who-do-I-bitch-at. So Colin and I went inside and found the woman in charge of the displays and she had it fixed! The pictures were obviously taken before the blouse was tucked into the shorts, though. Also, we had the first event of Pittsburgh Fashion Week last night. That is a completely different story. I don't... I can't even... I just... *deep breaths* It was a fantastic opportunity to network and get to know the city I am living in. (that sentence was intended to be read in complete monotone) But listen guys, I'm insanely exhausted and so incredibly tired I want to puke. Does that make even make sense? I don't even know anymore. Like what is happening. It's 2:40 am. I need to sleep. What is sleep anymore. It has taken me literally four hours to write this post because I have messed up so much.... Anyway, here's my window display! Enjoy, babies.

Xx Caitlyn

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall is Here!

WHAT'S UP BABES. In a great mood lately! I'm finished with my first quarter of college and I'm back in the beautiful state of New York! So happy I got to come home in September. Fall in Upstate New York is one of my favorite things. To get out of the car in my driveway after smelling nothing but Pittsburgh air for 3 months, fresh air is just... refreshing. So being back in New York, I obvi had to get to the nearest Salvation Army to stock up on some good fall sweaters. I have to run to some other consignment stores to see what other over sized knits I can find. Here are some pictures of the sweaters I picked up during my latest Salvo trip!Also... I cut my hair!! I also did a little ombre on it too! I call this cut my "Fashion Blogger hair". I think it really gives me a modern-yet-edgy-classic-yet-urban feel. I love it!! Five or six inches cut off! It's been a looooong time since I've actually cut my hair. It feels so unbelievably healthy, I highly suggest cutting that long hair short! If you know me personally, yo would know that my hair is my child, aside from my shoes, of course. I have a three barrel waver that I've been using on it and I absolutely love the way it looks! I've actually been thinking I'd trim another half inch off but I don't know. Now up until this sentence, this post was written back in New York. However, I'm back in Pittsburgh because I'm volunteering during Pittsburgh Fashion Week. I have to get going in about a half an hour to meet Colin then we're walking to Station Square for a run through of tomorrow's event. Getting really excited!! Oh and I got new roommates.... we'll see how this goes... (They're BOTH fashion DESIGN majors... I am very territorial when it comes to fashion so again, let's see how this goes.) Welp, I gotta run and eat my breakfast, have a fall-tastic day everyone!

Xx Caitlyn

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Love is Patient, Love is Kind.

Hello my babies. So the past couple days I've been listening to Macklemore's "Same Love" non-stop. I kid you not, by the end of the week, I'll probably have racked up at least 100 views at the end of the week. Now, the past couple of weeks I've been really focused on Gay Rights and LGBT activities. I have ALWAYS literally from the day I was born I felt I was a supporter. I never knew any different. I was raised with a gay uncle who I am and always have been close with. The past couple years I have become insanely close with him. Now, especially with all these new college experiences and decisions, I almost always text my uncle instead of my mom because I feel he gives me answers that allow me to have fun but be safe. Anyway, going to an art school, you find a lot of.... creative..people... That being said, coming to Pittsburgh a single and somewhat ready to mingle gal, I had some trouble finding a, how shall I say it... "normal" guy.  But I did find one. Oh he was different alright but I liked him. He was older, much older than I'm used to but he was still a freshman. The whole thing lasted for about a week but still it was a little fling I needed to get out of my system. I was a little bummed but you can't hide from differences. *Sidenote... I totes feel like Carrie Bradshaw right now, writing about my love life, hehehe. Anyway, after all is said and done, he was different than any other guy I have ever dated and it opened my eyes. People are so different and you never really know who you are until something happens to you personally. So I ask that you don't judge anyone until you really know what they're like. You might feel a little off about someone but that's because you don't know them. I still really like the guy I was seeing but you have to patient and you can't force things. So if things end, they end. Don't make it ugly or rude. Love is kind. Don't try to force someone into something they don't want. Love is patient. And on the note of people being different, back to me always being a supporter of Gay Rights, I met my new GBF, (Gay Best Friend)!! Every girl needs a good gay man in her life. Mine is named Colin. He's a photography major at the Art Institute. He is also my official assistant for Fashion Week. This boy is my love. I mean like, ugh baby I luh you. He's so precious. Even though he's like, 3 years older than me, I still call him my baby. Best part about Colin? He just started his own blog! So go, go, go, my babies! Go follow his blog, Confessions of an All American Faggot at AllAmericanFaggot.blogspot.com! His blog is about what's it's really like to be a gay man in today's society. (along with all of our college adventures!) So now go out and have fun with your life but don't forget, don't judge. You never know what people are saying about you, so why should you talk about them?

Xx Caitlyn

Friday, August 16, 2013

Patterns, Patterns, Everywhere!

Hey betches! So this week I've basically been putting all my free and should-be-doing-my-homework time into pattern making for Fashion Week. This past week I got three patterns done and right now I'm taking a break from my fourth. I'm doing a lot of boucle and pearls. My goal with this collection is to bring suiting fabrics like boucle and tweed into my generation and show my generation you can wear it without looking weird. Since I'm usually the only person home in the dorm, (two roommates moved out because they think I brought a "haunted" mirror.. whatever, I have a sewing room now!) I like to have some background noise and lately I actually haven't been in the mood for music. So... I like to watch re-runs of the Rachel Zoe Project. Hearing Rachel's voice also gives me willpower and motivates me to push through the late nights. I'm still searching for models and cutting it dangerously close. My friend from New York has some connections with models down here in Pittsburgh. As for the whole college life thing, I have yet to see an attractive boy worth talking to and my grades are pretty bangin' if you ask me. I've really settled in and made some friends. I'd have to say Kayla, my roommate, is the friend I talk to the most and we usually go grocery shopping or run to the drugstore together. I don't know if I've mentioned Sammi in other posts yet but she's another fashion major in her first quarter like me and I love her! We had an impromptu movie night last night with Sex and the City and chinese food.I'm getting excited because momma and dad are coming to visit today! I'm also getting ready to head up to The City for my final retail project which I'm doing on Lord & Taylor, a department store my Uncle works for. I'm also going to obviously be in the garment district so how can I not possibly go fabric shopping?!?! I'm mainly going to trimmings and pearls but still... shopping is shopping! Might just *accidentally* find myself in a Forever21... Shhhh.... I could always use a new ring or two or five... I can't wait to see my Uncle Geoff though!!!! I always love visiting my uncle, his partner and their little orange doggie, Mason! Well, okay, Mason isn't quite so little anymore. Number one thin I love about New York? HELLO FASHION MOMENTS. UGH, I DIE. Especially so close to New York Fashion Week. Omg. People, I. am. so. excited. I have to go clean up from my late lunch then get back to my patterns, have a fabulous day, babies.

xx Caitlyn

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

September is almost here, ladies and gentlemen! Such a magical time. September issues, Fashion Week, fantastic sales! I am ecstatic! Also because I have a show coming up in September! When I saw that my boys were on the cover of the September issue of TeenVogue I basically ran to the nearest drugstore and picked that baby up! I'll be honest, I've never really been a fan of TeenVogue simply because I feel it has less fashion. I'm subscribed to Instyle so I know I'll get that issue. As far as others go, I'll probably pick up Glamour and Vogue. I'm looking into a subscription to Women's Wear Daily. I loved reading it when I was in high school and I see them everywhere in my college. What are some of your favorite magazines? Now when it comes to Fashion Week, I'm always eager to see my favorite shows, Chanel (duh), Rachel Zoe (another duh), Michael Kors and others. I always try to check out some new shows, too. And the apps I use to watch and keep with all these shows are called F Network and Style.com. F Network will give you the entire show from start to finish and all the designers. It also lists whether it was a NYFW, PFW, MFW, or LFW show. Style.com, on the other ham, will show you pictures of each look instead of a show. It also gives you a little interview with the designers and some audience members. I love both of them and they're free! Together they keep me updated and aware of what's happening. Of course, if you don't want to strain your eyes against a tiny screen, you can always use YouTube! I like to watch shows as I'm drafting patterns. The music and designs inspire me. Speaking of drafting patterns... I gotta go! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Xx Caitlyn

Thursday, August 1, 2013


HELLO PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET. I HAVE FANFRICKINTASTIC NEWS! However, to make you read the entire post I'm going to tell you what I've been up to first. Number one reason why I have not posted in almost a month is because uh hello, I'm in college now! I'm a busy girl now! I've warmed up to Pittsburgh and I've gone to multiple events. I actually have midterms next week so I need to study. But tonight I have an event called Come One, Come All, Come Couture. It's an event really focused on modeling and I'll be needing some models soon. But the past month, I've joined the Art Institute of Pittsburgh's House of Fashion club, I've signed up to volunteer for Pittsburgh Fashion Week and last Thursday, my new Fashion Design friend, Sammi and I went to an FGI Pittsburgh event! FGI stands for Fashion Group International. We're trying to extend the group into Pittsburgh. FGI exists to connect all the people involved in the fashion industry in a city. The event was fantastic and a huge hit! Now, my huge announcement... Sammi and I auditioned to present in AIP's Back to Back Student Show during Pittsburgh Fashion Week. We were the only two freshman waiting to audition. Needless to say, we both had uneasy, anxious stomachs throughout the week. However! WE MADE IT! I WILL BE PRESENTING IN PITTSBURGH FASHION WEEK!!!!!!! This is it guys! My career is officially starting and you all get to watch everything unfold! Every single second of my life has led me to this moment. Every laugh, every tear, every friendship, every fight, everything. Please, take this as inspiration to keep going! I can't tell you how many times I gave up and came so incredibly close to ending it all. But looking back on all of that, it makes me so proud. To know that I pushed through that, so keep pushing! As Talia always said, (which technically speaking, Dory always said) Just keep swimming! Of course there's the question will I make it? And duh I've asked myself that! But the only way you can truly ever know for sure, is to try. And when you fail, when you think you've done all you can do, there's more. Never give up on yourself. This turned out to be a really inspiring post haha! Well now that the news is out, here are some pictures of the past month! Obvi the picture of me and another girl in dresses is from the FGI event and that's Sammi! My fellow designer! Well I hope everyone has a fantastic week and I hope to post again next Friday!

Xx Caitlyn

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Week of Wandering

Hello my darlings. As I sit in my dorm room in Pittsburgh, I feel comfortable knowing that I know where I am and where to go if need be. I can give directions and navigate downtown. I can walk alone and feel comfortable. I've been here for no less than a week and how did I do this you ask? Wandering. One of my fav past times when I'm in a city. Most of the time I'm with a roommate or dorm friend but to get to know a city you kinda have to go into the city. A couple days ago, my roomie, Kayla, and I went wandering for the sake of wandering. She took a cool picture of me that I love! So Kayla, and her friend, Skyler, and her roomie, Emily, and I went wandering this week. Originally because One Direction was playing here on the 8th and we wanted to see if they had gotten to their hotel yet. Okay, yes, I was creepin'. We were creepin'. But then you turned the corner to the nearest and nicest hotel to the arena and BAM pre-teen and teenage girl galore! All dressed like Perrie or Harry in cut-offs and beanies. Of course as soon as I saw them I'm like LEAVE NOW THANKS BYE. I hate when girls or guys dress a certain way for another person. Especially because you can tell they don't usually wear those types of clothes. Yes, I have done it before but that was.. ugh. Moving on! Obvi we didn't see the boys because I'd be dead. My friend, Emily, a photography major likes taking pictures of people and she took some pretty cool ones. So the next day, the 8th, was my first day of college classes!!! I got out at 5:20, then I was going to meet the girls over at the arena the boys were playing at BUT... I decided to be smart and stop fangirling and start being a designer again. Because.... I'm presenting my senior collection in Pittsburgh Fashion Week in September!! As a student of course.. The meeting was at 6:00 so I didn't have time to go see the boys.. :( I knew this was the best choice for my career anyway so I changed into a comfy sweater and wandered over to the school for my meeting. I'm so excited!!!!!! Sorry this post is all over the place but hey! I just moved my life and started my life! I'll talk to ya soon babes.

Xx Caitlyn

Thursday, July 4, 2013

College Life!

Hey babes. So here I am in Pittsburgh... supposed to be sleeping. But you can see how that's working out. I will say though, I've found a way around the whole no wifi ordeal! I got a new phone for graduation and yes! It's a smart phone! And well obvi it has 3G, so this is how I'll post for a while. I really wanted to do at least a second post for that Upstate NY topic but as i previously mentioned, I've been crazy busy! But I do have a second post for Upstate NY :) It should be up within the next week. I promise you all that I will try my best to blog every week in college. Maybe every Friday... I don't have any classes. Yeah that's good. So I'll show you ladies and gents what I wore for the 4th of July! Vintage deconstructed shorts, a nice white top, my cheetah thong sandals, black and white satchel and I did wear a blue necklace but I didn't realize it was inside my shirt :( So there's my 4th of July outfit! You'll be hearing from me soon babes

Xx Caitlyn

Outfit details: Joe Fresh shirt, vintage Limited jeans, Mossimo sandals, Call It Spring bag.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What's Up(state)?!

Hey guys! So being from New York, obviously, I felt like I should clear a few things up. Number one thing, I do NOT live in New York City. *tear* I wish I did, but don't! I actually live in Upstate New York. Otherwise known as the Finger Lakes region, this area of NY is gorgeous wine country. Although I do not go to these wineries, I love driving along the lake and seeing all the vineyards. The buildings are beautiful, too! Just about any house or building overlooking the lake is beautiful. Last night, my sister and law, Danielle and I went up to Seneca Lake to Watkins Glen. The South tip of the lake has a marina and a dock that you can walk out onto. Every year, they hold the Cardboard Boat Regatta in the marina. It's super cool to see all the ideas people come up with! You can only use cardboard and duck tape, nothing else to build your boat. I've always wanted to compete but never got around to it! Yesterday, Danielle and I just walked around and out on the rocks to enjoy the smell of the water and waves. I love watching all the boats rocking with each wave and seeing all the sailboats swaying in the wind. There's a beautiful and historic sailboat that goes out named, One Love. I've never been one to exactly drool over a boat or anything that isn't designer or One Direction, for that matter, but this boat is beautiful! All wood with the big sails billowing with each breeze. There are gorges all over in this area and I find them incredible. I think it's amazing that something so beautiful was formed without a single touch from man. Of course, that's typically when things are the most breathtaking, when nature haven't been disrupted by mankind. Well I'd best be getting back to bed, its 3:18 a.m. here and I need my sleep. I'll be writing several more posts about the beauties of Upstate New York this week so stay tuned! And PS- I graduate this weekend so don't be surprised if you don't hear from me!! :D

Xx Caitlyn

Outfit Details: Forever21 cardigan, Mossimo tank, AE bandeau, and Mossimo sneakers, vintage Dooney & Bourke bag.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Oxblood, Sweat and Tears (Outfit #6)

PROM DRESS! Yay! So obvi you guys already saw this dress in my prom post. So I won't really write much about it. Lemme say for a second though, this dress might not look like it'll allow it, but yeah I can totes run around in this with five inch heels on. And I looked pretty dang good when I was doing it. Even if I looked incredibly frantic and about to pee myself, I looked good doing it! So blah blah blah prom dress description you've already read blah blah blah. Here are some pictures of me during and after the show! And ps.... HERE'S THE LINK TO THE WHOLE FASHION SHOW!!


Xx Caitlyn