Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hello Again!

SUP?!? Long time, no see! 

I know I've been MIA lately because I figured my life wasn't really too eventful to blog about. I've moved back home and last week I FINALLY moved back into my old bedroom instead of my brother's old room. I cleaned out my room, re-arranged, took down then put back up, organized and threw out things! (And bought a few things, too!) Either way, I feel my life has greatly improved and fallen into place since leaving Pittsburgh. In the past two months, I have moved home, taken a vacation, cleared my mind, gotten a closer connection to my spirituality, started eating better, got a job at Macy's (eek!), met someone new (again... eek!) and well, frankly, I got my sh*t together. I keep telling my parents how I feel as though I've grown up and matured a lot this Summer. I haven't been sewing at all but I've been busy! I still sketch from time to time. I've been trying to find a way to organize my sketches and sketch books but it's just a little difficult. Lately I've been really focused on just getting my surroundings situated because then everything else is less stressful. With that being said, I think I'll try to do a little cleaning up in my room and show you guys how I organize alllllllll of my things, garments and garment rack included! 

Guys, I am genuinely happy. That's like, a big deal for me. I don't look in the mirror and nit-pick or mope about things. I look in the mirror and I'm like, 'Jesus, I just wanna thank you for makin' me look fab today, like thanks bae. Luh you, amen.'  I'm listening to Lady Gaga as I'm writing this so I'm kinda on this level where I'm literally typing what goes through my mind. Oops. Oh well. So there's my little life update and I'll try (pinky promise!) to post more often. Maybe I'll post my super chic all black work outfits?! Maybe. Who knows. Well I'm off to Pinterest then to thrift later with my momma. I'll catch you babes on the flip side. 
P.S. I know I've matured because I now only have one poster of Harry Styles on my wall. 
P.P.S.S. Ignore the weird lines on my face. I promise they're just shadows from my hair. 

xx Caitlyn

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